This event is being jointly organised by the Meeting Rivers programme of Pipal Tree (Bangalore, India) and Dialogues en humanité (Lyon, France).
Each year many people from India and abroad attend this unique event where values and spiritualities are integrated with social and ecological themes. The programme this year will include an analysis of the consequences of climate change on four eco-systems: rural (arid and semi-arid), urban, coastal and forest. Among the consequences of climate change will be its impact on food production, drinking water, livelihood and habitat. Not only will the impacts be assessed, but practical solutions will be sought.
The impacts of climate change on communities, particularly the poorer ones, have been taken up in previous years as well. But we have found that these are still emerging issues where only inadequate data and understanding exists. The only reality is that small farmers, fishers, forest communities and the urban poor, among others, are beginning to feel the impact, often severely. Therefore each February Dialogues event builds on the outcomes of previous ones, and the process must continue if we are to grapple with humanity’s most critical crisis.
February Dialogues also underlines the fact that we cannot achieve the goal of sustainable communities unless we live and experience the values, spiritualities and ethics which form the basis of any sustainable endeavour. We will therefore be exploring, and living, these values, spiritualities and ethics during the Dialogues itself. The design of the event will be such that there will be space for meditation, sharing of personal journeys and theological reflections.
The February Dialogues will conclude with a spectacular music and cultural festival which integrates the themes which we will be addressing. Be sure to attend the festival on Sunday 10th February, which will begin at noon and conclude at 10 pm.
In the meantime, we hope we are giving you enough advance notice to allow you to let us know if you are interested in attending the next dialogues. Do write to us soon as we can only accommodate a limited number of participants.
We will take care of the food and lodging expenses of the participants.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
With warm regards